
Showing posts from January, 2018

Dear President Trump

Dear President Trump, Like Martin Luther King Jr., I too have a dream. I am a server at a restaurant in Bozeman, MT. Yesterday, I was demoralized because I am a young woman who stepped out of line. As a U.S. citizen, I have laws that not only protect me as a citizen, but laws that should allow me to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. I was denied these rights. But starting today, I will not loner be denied my rights. I grew up in a republican household and daughter of business owners/workers. I believe you are a smart man. You are an inspiration to us all. I need your help President Trump. My message to this country must be heard loud and clear. "I too have a dream. I have a dream that women will be seen as equal to men in this country. You all see it in the news, on TV, and everywhere else. There is a storm coming. It is of women's equality. Call me a feminist if you will, for I have been called much worse things. The use of the word to describe my actions an